Leadership Team Application
Leadership is a privilege and a responsibility. Through leadership at the Wesley, the team not only serves the students on campus but also is poured into by the Staff and Wesley Interns through discipleship.
The staff will need the guidance of student leaders in decision-making as well as participation in outreach and programming implementation. Listed below are general expectations that leaders agree together to follow to be faithful ambassadors of Christ on campus and effective leaders of the ministry to which we have been called.
We invite you to contemplate these expectations, knowing that you must comply with them if you are to be a part of the team. If after discerning these you are interested and willing to serve on the leadership team, please apply:
Participate in weekly worship services, one of our Bible Studies, and choose an area of ministry in which to serve.
Lead in active, visible outreach on a weekly basis.
Attend Wesley Lead Team meetings, at a day and frequency to be decided by the team.
Represent your faith and your affiliation with Wesley by integrity both inside and outside of Wesley circles. You are always a witness.
Spend time weekly at the Wesley Building, promoting community and fellowship.
Attend retreats and Statewide Wesley, only choosing not to do so due to an unavoidable circumstance.
Attend at least one official Wesley “church visit” during each semester.
Participate in Lead Team Workshops at the beginning of each semester.
Exemplify Christian leadership by being a “Christian Witness” as described in Ephesians 5:1-2 “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God”. This means carrying yourself in a Christ-like manner, abstaining from gossip, exclusion, public drunkeness, profanity, and other behaviors that are contrary to Christ-like living.